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Sima Gandhi,
Innovation Consultant, Founder, EIR, Facilitator
With many years of experience as an investor, founder and business partner, I am uniquely qualified innovation consultant. I thrive in complex and challenging environments, am passionate about using Lean Startup Approaches in enterprise environments to drive growth.
I have worked with students to solopreneurs to corporate intrapreneurship teams building ideas and success with proven 'fail fast' approaches and techniques.
A unique, online program for learning to read. Co-Founder, Program designer, Manager of the learning management system.
Readably uses color, position, order, shape and motion for a full multi sensory immersion to go beyond phonics
Students can learn the skills needed to read any word – even those that have never been taught, or seen before.
Food Venture Program
Working with a variety of business, government, academic and individual clients, We have designed educational programs and 1:1 consulting to move the dial forward for food entrepreneurs. Go from IDEA to MVP to LAUNCH to SCALE with your food business idea.
A true 2016 start up, we have used Lean Start Up methodologies to bring riince to reality. From defining our Value Proposition to 3D printing of the prototype, riince represents all that is innovative in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. As founder, I have been involved in all key functions from brand creation to mvp to crowdfunding
Food Starter
Opening a food business has its own unique challenges. We are facilitating workshops with Canada's first food-focused accelerator, Food Starter to help food-preneurs get a handle on the steps needed in business, sanitation, labelling and being profitable.
Entrepreneur in Residence, TPL
As part of Toronto Public Library's celebration of Small Business Month, I acted as EIR for 9 weeks to coach and advise aspiring small business owners in Toronto. The role included reviewing submitted business ideas, meeting one-on-one with entrepreneurs to review and discuss strategy for their business ideas. Collaboration with TPL to create and offer programs and events to the general public during Small Business Month is the second responsibility of this role. This role is designed as a nine week residency.
Digifest + Start GBC Advisor
From 2015 to 2019, Member of the Advisory Panel for Digifest, Startup Advisor and Workshop facilitator for the "Its a Start Competition". Digifest is a three-day conference located on Toronto’s waterfront (Corus Quay) that focuses on the future of education, creativity, entrepreneurship, gaming, and technology; organized by George Brown College. We connect the creative community with the most innovative technologies, ideas, and initiatives focused on learning, leadership, and positive social change.
Start GBC Aug 2020
MaRS Discovery District
MaRS is an innovation hub creating an environment for the collisions needed between money and ideas to commercialize the wealth of innovation in the the Toronto and Ontario entrepreneurship ecosystems.
•Responsible for delivery of entrepreneurship education content for early stage companies under the Business Acceleration Program [BAP] through the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation [MRI].
•Developed and managed relationships with key stakeholders in the Regional Innovation Centres (RICs) and Campus Linked Accelerators (CLAs) in the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs (ONE) for the purposes of growing the workshop volume
The Skylar Project
The Skylar Project formed out of a team of socially conscious entrepreneurs motivated to create a triple bottom line of social, environmental and financial returns. Skylar is a unique technology that delivers high quality, sustainable, rapid and low cost construction solutions.
•Part of a founding team that developed an advanced construction system using clean technology with the objective of a triple bottom line, People, Planet Profit.
•Developed a strategy to promote and sell factories for the Skylar system to public and private targets in emerging markets.
•Managed the establishment of a pilot factory in Luanda, Angola, from partnership to engineering design coordination to shipping and logistics.